Equip360 Release: 2020.2
We are very excited to present the new features and enhancements that will be delivered to your implementation. Some elements might not be applicable to your site as the feature might have been turned off.
Please let us know if you would like a feature to be available based on the new enhancements. Ask us if some of our new features can be turned off. We are looking forward to your feedback.
What's in this release?
Product Feature link
Keep me signed in
Style sheet applied to category
Admin Product management- add multiple media
Admin Product management- ability to sort images
Add video player in BOM
Global search; ignore commas and dashes
Coupon Guest access
Country field populated based on IP for Guest
Provide Auto-reorder report to OEM
Global search for category
Limiting checkout page for PO Box
Email Shipping notification
When searching in Vehicle page, the facet are updated
Purchase order history download to the selected invoice
Clear all categories